Mexico / Monarch butterfly / 18-karat gold / enhanced with 10 diamonds

Normal price $4,217.00

including value added tax plus shipping costs

With its filigree cut-outs, this handmade pendant stands for lightness and delicacy. With its highly symbolic imagery, it is also a symbol of change and new beginnings.

The meaning of the monarch butterfly

For many years scientists puzzled over the mysterious journey of the monarch butterflies. Every year, millions of butterflies migrate from the Great Lakes in the north of the United States to the highland forests of the Mexican Sierra Nevada to make their winter quarters here. In the process, they cover up to 4,500 kilometres.

Butterfly researchers have shown that the impressive black and orange butterflies use the position of the sun to find their long way so unerringly every year and with each new generation. And it is also the sun that gives them energy in their winter quarters. As soon as it appears, life returns to the huge flocks, while in cooler temperatures they cover the landscape like a huge veil.

Chain pendant

The ten monarch butterflies in the pendant are only connected to the frame by tiny joints. This gives the impression that the butterflies are floating weightlessly in their frame. Each individual butterfly is set with precious brilliant-cut diamonds. The simple elegance of the pendant is thus enhanced by luxurious accents.