Tokelau / New Zealand / Unicorn / 18 carat gold

Normal price $3,635.00

including value added tax plus shipping costs
The unicorn is held and framed in this pendant in the middle of its running movement. The incorporated diamond as an eye gives the pendant a softly sparkling reflex. The dynamic impression of the pendant is thus enhanced by the play of light.
The unicorn is nowadays depicted as a creature with the shape of a horse, which carries a long and winding horn on its forehead. Its graceful body is often covered with a silvery white fur and it is of bewitching beauty. The shy and benevolent creature avoids human proximity and hides in forests.

Unicorns symbolize the good and pure, the mythical creatures are said to possess magical powers, to be able to heal diseases and to protect against poisoning. A popular wisdom underlines the value as a talisman against evil: When the unicorn shows itself, the devil disappears.

In Europe and Western cultures, the unicorn is thus a symbol, if not the most distinctive symbol of purity and innocence. In Japan and China, too, the unicorn is known as a sign of goodness, the appearance of which is always seen as a positive omen.


The unicorn is a creature of such beauty and fascination that a wide variety of myths have been woven around its existence for centuries. At the same time, however, the distinct structure of the unicorn's body illustrates its power and dynamism.